
Se uma árvore cair” Poster

Se uma árvore cair” Poster

Poster design for the movie “Se uma árvore cair”

1950s, interior of Portugal. It is the height of the wheat campaign, and the Portuguese version of the arbeit macht frei drags millions of citizens into an exodus. The Colonial War would begin in less than a decade and the profound transformations in Europe were slow to arrive in the Rectangle. 2018, Alto do Seixalinho. In any café, three grandchildren from that exodus decide to fit the material in an Opel Corsa and go around the country in search of what their grandparents have fled from, what their parents told them, what makes our urban existence all of us. other side less from here. If Uma Árvore Cair takes us on a journey through three places in the interior, the village of Paiágua, lost in the mountains of the border, the Rosmaninhal in the arraiana plain and the city of Serpa, on the left bank of the Guadiana. Through these three locations, they record what they hear, film what they see and talk to those who stay there, looking for something that no one knows what it is but that no one has doubts that only there can find it.

Movie by: Hélder Menor, João Antunes and João Pinheiro

With a Creation Grant by OUT.RA 2018